Our focus on all products related to both open surgery and minimally invasive surgery as well as retraction system, which has high technology and is the latest innovation that will provide satisfaction for surgeons to prioritize patient safety so that whatever be your needs in the operating room, we provide the highest quality products that will meet your expectations in the process of surgery.

Thompson Surgical Instruments delivers uncompromised exposure to a variety of surgical specialties with the Thompson Retractor. In use for over fifty years, the Thompson Retractor is the only mechanical retractor to offer one frame for all exposure needs, multi-planed retraction, and unlimited customization.

The key to designing retractor systems is surgeon input. Early on, Thompson began working with a variety of specialties to provide the specific exposure surgeons need. With input from surgeons of varying specialties, Thompson’s retractor systems have continued to lead the way in providing the visibility surgeons need to not only be successful but to give the confidence to try new, improved procedures.

ASANUS founded in 1998 with the aim of providing you with an efficient partner in the field of health care technology. The expression ASANUS is a composition, using the initial letter of the founder´s first name A, which means "towards" in Latin, and the word SANUS, the Latin word for health. THE WAY TO HEALTH - that´s what we represent at ASANUS.

The vision of creating something new in medicine and translating the multitude of ideas put foreward by Practitioners,acted as a decisive influence in moving to found ASANUS. The Asanus founder had been active in the field of medical technology for more than 20 years, gathering valuable experience, with renowned companies operating on an international level. This solid foundation of experience enabled ASANUS to secure a position as a major supplier of surgical instruments in the field of medical technology right from the very beginning, and this position has been steadily expanding ever since. Meanwhile, we supply our surgical products worldwide and have equipped many hospitals entirely with our surgical instruments.

Soon after the foundation the company, we began to develop Software, which we now offer special solutions for the tracking of instruments, logistics and Quality Managment in the Healthcare sector.

Highly cost effective, designed from the outset to provide significant budgetary savings. Premium quality devices, designed by leading laparascopic surgeons, Extensive product range, providing efficiency savings through reduced supplier base and order consolidation, Customised economy kits, Customer service support.

Europe's market leader manufacturing unique, premium quality, clinician designed devices. Extensive product range providing the most complete safe sharps management solution, Educational seminar, the widest variety of devices aimed at finding the safest solution for every budget.

Minimally invasive surgery is becoming more and more common in hospitals. These procedures are performed through tiny incisions instead of one large opening. Because the incisions are small, patients tend to have quicker recovery times and less discomfort than with conventional surgery — all with the same benefits.

Medisave offers an extensive range of electrosurgical units fully equipped with accessories and surgical instruments. To deliver high quality products, Our principal the company based the entire design and production proccess on modern technologies. Our electrosurgical products vary from small devices for use in outpatient settings to comprehensive electrosurgical systems. Our aim is to deliver maximum surgical precision and patient safety through our advancements in electrosurgery.

The MDH Video System endows a high definition camera at the end of the ET tube, moving you closer to the gold standard and giving you distinct vision for a conclusive intubation.

Concentrate on human life through knowledge-sharing culture is our Soul, We believe that "Hygienic and Integrated Technology In OR Solutions” will provide better healing conditions for the patient. Wherever they are deployed  – in Modular Walls panels and Ceilings, Operating Tables and Lamps, Patient Transfer System, Surgical tools and Equipment, Surgical Scrub, and Medical Furniture – Medisave products prevent, support, safe and friendly to their users, patients, and natural environment.

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